War II

  Some thing nobody expected is that the world would land in virtual war with no end in sight. How this mess will untangle no one knows!  We...

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Retired but always looking for new challenges.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Coal versus Lithium...At the moment!

 Actually no contest!

Please understand ,I would be greatly pleased if either one produced no pollutants as I am an Asthma sufferer. How ever politicians are only in themselves gaining popularity and  money !

I have just read that a car maker in America is busy building a lithium factory that will produce so many lithium cars that they will require a new coal mine to themselves to for see the  electrical power. 

Once the cars hit the road and need to  load up their batteries of course coal will provide most of the power to drive the energy, as hydro power is not available country wide,added to this solar power does not do well on cold and overcast days !

The answer to this problem is of course fuel cells using platinum proton membranes as there are no pollutants. That is why Japan,China and major manufacturers are turning to this source of power! the Chinese government is funding research. the USA seem not interested at this stage!

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