End of an Era

 How Does one acquire Knowledge? With academic material and with life experiences that come with age  With academic material there is a stea...

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Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2020

Event Influencing Investment

  What with a new strain of influenza and the different reaction to it ,compared with the past ,the almost impeachment of President Trump ,Brexit and the usual tensions between major nations reaching a higher level of late,the frothy stock market went into a tailspin and started to slide!
    All the signals that the market was too high were there as they have been for some time. Tipsters as always say ,there are pockets of stocks that are still worth buying and nobody screams a downturn is about to happen! Politicians will now be glad of these events as one can hardly blame it on their specific influence!
  In the good times that have ruled of late stocks  ran ahead of what was wise and a correction was inevitable. The downturn is not a real recession although stocks might drop by 12%to 24% on average,depending how hard 
 they have run.
   We now consider stocks on a sounder footing,and in our opinion only would present a buying opportunity as many positive events regarding China and other play out.
   Stocks should be bought for a steady gain as dividends increase over years rather than trading on shorter terms which mostly ends up losing money as it becomes just a gamble otherwise. Only traders with years of experience should trade in short term instruments.
 In wondering what to buy look at good stocks that have decreased by about the average in their particular sectors. Do not choose stocks that are not trending .Do your own research before jumping in. Do not expect to be successful all the time.


Sunday, June 2, 2019


    It seems as if China is about to invoke a ban on  Rare Earth mineral and metal exports,to the USA and its allies !
  This is in reply to the USA increasing tariffs on Chinese exports into America. At the moment  they have a massive trade surplus with America. The USA is trying to balance the "Playing field"as      China uses many underhand methods to prevent fair trade.
China produces at least 85%  of these rare earths and up to now has sold them at prices low enough to discourage any other country from developing their own sources.
 These minerals include cobalt,spodium(lithium) and many others that most people have never heard of!
1.This is now an opportunity for other countries to to jump in and produce their share of this developing bonanza as prices are starting to rapidly increase!
 2. A decade or so ago ,China was  in a spat with Japan which has no minerals of any kind. Japan simply in electronics and cell phones etc. started substitution successfully and thus suffered very little discomfort. They are prepared to share this knowledge with the world.
 3.Most of the minerals/metals are really not so rare but difficult to mine ,also the price being low and limited use has prevented much in development.
 4. The USA has one small mine/factory ,but private enterprise is already planning massive expansion. This is likely to take another three years and many companies will sign long term contracts as one cannot then rely on supplies that can be interrupted at a moments notice.
There is a move afoot for more  enterprises in this direction being planned which might take up to five years to be completely up and running.
  5 Australia and Namibia have vast amounts of Spodium . And South Africa can extract cobalt easily from mines. All that is required to mine other minerals is the will and sound government without corruption to mine the various resources.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

UPDATES, POST "Ecomonies of scale !"

See the Spring update above 28/9/2015
See Summer and Autumn updates 21/9/2015
 See mineral news above 7/9/2015
See Small Caps AND Altex above 18/9/2015, 24/9/2015

 China is a centrally  controlled
economy where the government interferes in every facet of life ,including tightly regulating economic activity.
Obviously always with the best intentions. To gain more traction and direction economically, they loosened controls on some aspects of commercial life and even allowed a stock exchange to come into existence.
Every country has a number of enterprising citizens who then listed on the exchange and found they could make money trading shares. News quickly spread and the masses stared to join in. Little did thee traders understand that an individual stock should increase in value only as it's dividend grows on a sound footing that it makes more profit and all types of shares started to move up sharply ,some into almost into the stratosphere ! There was also a building boom which further excrebiated  the worsening situation. Bubbles formed and the inevitable crash followed. The warning signs were
there for the last three years, of course many excuses were made that thing were  not that bad.
Different from other countries, the Chinese government continues to interfere by measures such as preventing money brought in from around the world so invested from leaving their country. They also curbed bear activity which would have prevented the worst sell offs and goes in for buying shares in untenable stocks to keep the price from falling.
All this upset the world stock markets as one felt China a couple of years ago looked as if it would lift the mantle of being the strongest economy in the world from the United States of America. This course of events looks now as if this will never come about.
Now to divert their citizens from their troubles they are unfortunately turning to military solutions by fermenting situations with neighbours.

Monday, June 1, 2015


Sure there is always some conflict going on some where, but usually these can be ignored as they do not affect us directly.
How ever when the largest powers start actively increasing their military hardware ,then we have to take notice.
Rest of this post is beneath updates.
3/6/2015 Real Estate update see index above.
8/6/2015 My Specialist List Update.
10,15/6/2015 smaller cap shares transfer to update above.
The former communist countries namely RUSSIA and CHINA have slowly being moving to  more open societies in the last decade and they have generally thrived. Now how ever  as the capital systems start to struggle due to the world wide recession over the last five years, these countries find they can not meet the aspirations of their restless citizens, as they demand even more freedoms.
Thus Russia has become embroiled in a war with a former part of their Socialist Republics namely Ukraine. As the western countries generally support the latter ,they have whipped up patriotism and suppressing freedoms in Russia.
China on the other hand have started on a massive naval build up, supposedly to protect their coastal integrity ,by claiming islands that belong to other countries , well beyond their borders as their own .How ever this could eventually lead to them taking a greater stake in the mainland, land which is part of Russia now. Russia might regret it's stance to the West, a fact which is not lost to their leadership I am sure!
It is time to settle the Ukraine crises in a manner that is fair to all.
NATO is upping their vigilance after some air intrusions by Russia and the US has promised to help Far East nations with their land integrity.
We  South Africans might have signed a treaty with the BRIC countries ,but we had better stay neutral as 70% of our exports go to the West.

All this might have a good effect upon mining strategic metals and minerals as both sides will want to buildup reserves as quickly as possible.