End of an Era

 How Does one acquire Knowledge? With academic material and with life experiences that come with age  With academic material there is a stea...

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Showing posts with label PANDEMIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PANDEMIC. Show all posts

Saturday, May 2, 2020


1. It would seem that mainland China has pulled the wool over the world'ss eyes regarding the  CARONA VIRUS (COVID 19) PANDEMIC since last year.
We were led to believe that it was a natural event of transmission from animals to humans. Nothing could be futher from the truth as five intellegence agencies,of different countries, independantly of each other came to the same conclusion. That is that this virus was manufactured in a laboratory in Wuhan.
 China did everything they could to cover up the fact that it was transferred between people!
The reason for this attitude is not known at present. Further proof is that a professor in Shanghai released the genitic code of the virus to the world and soon after he disappeared for ever. It can take years to find out a virus code,unless it was a manufactured virus.
Unfortunately this has led to the death of thousands of people worldwide!

Due to the pandemic our stock market went into freefall ,further than it should. Most stock holders sold . We have reworked many of our lists and started over in March 2020 so as to give better guidance to our readers.
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