1. The drive to lithium is now well under underway. The British government is about to spend millions on lithium service points,as well I suspect probably the rest of the first world as well, as private enterprise could really not keep up. So far all lithium battery auto companies are running at a loss.
A few points to consider :-
a. Lithium is a rare earth metal so not in unlimited supply (spodium).
b. Governments are at last admitting that solar power is not likely to be able or best at loading points to power battery chargers. Coal powered electricity will still power most of the loading points for the forsee-able future!
c. At the moment batteries have to be charged for at least half an hour every 500 km!
d.Lithium batteries have not to date had a good safety record!
e.It seems as if lithium might be hazardous to health in numerous ways as well.
2. Well proven methods with fuel cell technology although not receiving the attention of lithium and proven results is soaring ahead in Sweden Volvo,Ballard company and many smaller companies in America and Toyota in Japan. supplies of Platinum will last for at least the next couple of hundred years.
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