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 How Does one acquire Knowledge? With academic material and with life experiences that come with age  With academic material there is a stea...

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Showing posts with label RareEarth Minerals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RareEarth Minerals. Show all posts

Friday, February 1, 2019

The New Hydrogen AGE, REVOLUTION !

HYDROGEN which can easily be extracted from water is likely to drive the  new clean air revolution.
This is the preferred fuel that works with Platinum catalityic fuel cells. Its half the price of pretroleum fuels and has the advantage of being 100 % free of pollution.
Of course there's talk of using boron etc .to cut out rare earth ,such as platinum altogether ,but these experiments are still unproven.
When platinum is used for catalysts the power produced is strong enough to drive the largest stationary engines or so little can be used for small engines.
Toyota and other car,bus and heavy duty manufacturers have all chosen platinum to drive their future plans.
Germany is also tooling up now. Their leading manufacturer Mercedes Benz is also getting in on the act.
South Africa is the leading country regarding supply of platinum in the world .Impala platinum mine is now gearing up to supply their own electricity.
There is genuine scope for down-line applications helping create work locally. Do read all the other posts that I have written on platinum group metals over the years. Click on labels below or in the side-bar.

Saturday, April 1, 2017


In all this political turmoil happening around us at the moment,we feel it is imperative to look at the basics of what is now needed in the world, in as far as metals and minerals are concerned.
Suddenly platinum group metals are not quite the in thing anymore. Too many mines wanted to get in on the act as prices soared and of  course there was massive  over production.As stockpiles come down its easy to turn the spigots open again and over produce.
Rare earth type metals which is now needed in all manner of things is LITHIUM. There is not enough of this resource to go around and the hunt is on to find more. As electric cars become the in thing there is likely to be a shortage for the next couple of decades.
The main producers at the moment are United 
States,Bolivia and Chile. Australia has now been added to these states as new deposits have been found in great quantity as well as Namibia. There are SPODUMENE deposits right here in 
South Africa but with hostile political uncertainty they remain undeveloped.
It would seem ,we South Africans have only one chance in getting in on this bonanza at the moment and that is by investing in TAWANA SHARES. We usually avoid small caps especially ones that are only 5 cents a share which was the price a year ago. It was an exploration company,but has shot up to about R4.00 by end March 2017. How ever its prices are likely to be very volatile till the the end of the year when the first income can be expected. 
1.Use the labels to group posts on the same subjects together beneath articles and in the side-bar.
2. The newest PAGES are always published at the top of the index in the right side-bar. 1.MY SPECIALITY LIST NOW UPDATED 2.PRELIMARY SPRING LIST
3. Sister websites published  click on Stock trading trends in the side-bar , in April updates are:- Abacus .
4.Southern African and Mining News main post and pages have been updated.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


  All systems are go to arrest the present decline in mining activity, and overcome the obstacles out there. The easy mining ore bodies are fast becoming the thing of the past.
 Public and private companies, with workers are beginning to work together to preserve jobs, income and tax revenue.
  Modernising and research into methods of refining especially in South Africa which has always been a world leader in this regard as during the last hundred years we were the world leaders in production of platinum group metals ,gold and diamonds. An added source of income is the production of equipment to further these activities now been developed.
  These activities will lead to sustainability of the mining environment over the next half century.
  Of great importance now is safety of workers at extreme depths in tunnels and difficult mining circumstances.
  Remote control of machines will keep workers out of harms way for the most part in dangerous areas. Narrower machines are already working and more innovative ones are being built.
Backfill of pulverised rock now has many advantages as it stabilises the ground in worked out areas avoids unsightly heaps of  ground and in generally more environmentally friendly.
The greatest advances are continually been made in refining of complicated metals such as precious metals as well as more basic metals in seperation by using enzymes instead of the old methods such as sieves to seperate the various elements from the waste rocks. This also results in greater recoveries and more profits.
IT MIGHT BE A GOOD IDEA TO ALSO READ PART 1  PUBLISHED IN SEPTEMBER ALSO THE STRIPPING OF RESOURCE ASSETS mentioned in the posts in the side-bar to get a continuity picture of the whole subject in South Africa.

For the latest on Stocks go to... Abacus Top stock tips.... and bookmark the post.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Central and Southern Africa have many strategic minerals in abundance and are amongst world leaders in producing these.
South Africa produces over 72% of the Platinum used in the world
and 83% of the Rhodium for Catalytic converters and other industrial uses.
See rest of this article beneath Alerts and Notes
28/8  ALERT
Tensions are rising world-wide this morning as the Syrian crises is likely to spill over into
more bloodshed with the world powers taking sides.In South Africa we have serious trade union wars in a fight about turf escalating now.The more moderate NUM union has also upped its demands to compete with the more radical unions.Most of the demands now are completely unnatainable,which could bring our country to its knees.The mining of minerals is likely to decrease to a trickle and many mines would forced to close permanently.

SOUTH AFRICAS gold and platinum production continues to decline,year on year.Figures are issued by the governments stastistical department.Bad news for labour and balance of payments.Gold the once dominant metal is down YOY on June by 14%.
Platinum Group Metals is down by 18%.Not good news for these labour intensive industries also bad news for our GDP.
Coal is now our number one export ,bringing the most money.Iron ore also brings more than Gold

We are not the only country with a foreign exchange deficit it seems! India also is having problems at the moment.They have banned the import of physical gold to help balance their books.Soon they will only allow the import of gold that will exit in jewellery.As gold pays such a big part in their culture,this move has sent the price of their own gold sky high!
NOTE 6 See Naomi's recource updates above in the index
Note 5 See international property update on 8/8/2013 above,"PART A"
Note 4. Whats happening to Naomi?....bnlifestyle10.  blogspot .com
Note 3 . See the NEW resource pages on large caps by Barry in the index above.
Note 2. Use the LABELS in the side-bar and at the bottom of articles to group subjects you might want to research.
Note 1 . Remember the newest updates are at the bottom of the index above.

According to the world bank and South African chamber of Mines last year over half a million people were still employed in the mining industry.We are also the fifth largest producer of gold ,also produce 47%of the worlds chrome used in super alloys,also a large exporter of coal and diamonds.
Our immediate neighbours sharing borders with us name Namibia is a large exporter of Uranium alsoDiamonds,Botswana diamonds and Mozambique coal and one of the few producers outside China of Rare earth minerals. In Central Africa there is the DM Congo that supplies rare earths such as tantalum,cobalt and also diamonds.