End of an Era

 How Does one acquire Knowledge? With academic material and with life experiences that come with age  With academic material there is a stea...

About Me

Retired but always looking for new challenges.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

End of an Era

 How Does one acquire Knowledge? With academic material and with life experiences that come with age 

With academic material there is a steady supply that knows no ends. Does not matter where you go, what you read, you can access and find academic reading material anywhere nowadays. From Books to Google and any and all other media sources and mediums , Knowledge is easy to acquire .

With age, one is extremely honored if one can say that they had the privilege to obtain Knowledge and skills through the Journey of life. This knowledge you can read about and you can learn about, But it will never be worth anything or have any value to you until you come across a situation where you have to apply this type of Knowledge.

Knowledge is a commodity that is high in demand and low in supply. Invest in the opportunities to acquire Knowledge.

Dear reader, I am afraid This is the last Article to be posted on this platform from this Author.

On 22/07/2024 a Great man passed away at the age of 85 due to natural causes.

It is an honor to be able to call that man my Grandfather. Thank you for your support and loyalty towards this page and these Articles.

This is the end of Era and the beginning of his Legacy