End of an Era

 How Does one acquire Knowledge? With academic material and with life experiences that come with age  With academic material there is a stea...

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Retired but always looking for new challenges.
Showing posts with label carbon credit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carbon credit. Show all posts

Friday, June 2, 2017


Rand / American Dollar has not declined by the amount that was expected as our international debt was downgraded to junk,but not our local debt, by S&P and Fitch but not Moody's.
It is felt that   we still using our democratic rights to take government  and private corruption , to task. 
The nation as a whole has said stop this ,over riding political boundries. Added to this genuine efforts are being made at this time to keep our international debt in line!
At year end our descredited president is likely to be replaced by a better more educated person,as party leader, who understands how business is done. 
If the ANC ruling party does not make the right decisions then their party is going to be decimated at the polls in 2019 and unfortunately for the rest of us,more slogan bearing left-wing populists added to the mix which will cause chaos to our political and economic  life causing a bigger shambles than we have ever known.
I see President Trump shares my veiws on the climate change debate. Do read my post on this matter which I posted on 1/May/2015. Namely "THE GREAT CARBON CREDIT SCAM ! "
Do visit my specialist watch lists in the index in the left-hand side bar above which have been very successful over a number of years on stock that thrives over longer periods. UPDATED 5/6/2017
.STOCK BVIAN,s mining and resources blog has been updated.CLICK ON STOCK TRADING TRENDS ABOVE, THEN ENTER THE BLOG U WANT TO VISIT 12/6/2017
 5.SEE ABACUS ACTIVE ALERTS for fantastic news about lithium u have never read about before. More to follow in subsequent months

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Great Carbon Credit TAX SCAM !

Yes our government along with others in the world can not wait to get their hands on more taxes to waste on meaningless projects and themselves!
 Do remember that with out carbon dioxide no life would be possible on earth!
Sure we don't want to live in a smoky environment or where     chemicals put artificially high amounts of poison in the air or drinking water. The problem should be attacked in another way, say  by tax credit incentives for better management of immediate environments.
Luckily the last volcanic eruption in Iceland in four days has negated every human effort in the last five  years to lower   CO2   in  the atmosphere.
Please teach your children that plants need CO2 to synthesize into oxygen for us to breathe.
As for global warming, the earth now seems to be in a cooling cycle so now the term "Climate Change" is being  used.
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