End of an Era

 How Does one acquire Knowledge? With academic material and with life experiences that come with age  With academic material there is a stea...

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Retired but always looking for new challenges.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Supplies of minerals disrupted

 The low intensity fighting which seems to be spreading around the world,is resulting in severe mineral and  metal shortages. What with boycotts of certain countries such as Russia and allies,the world has woken up to the dangers of having their main adversiry the main suppliers of these products .The main protagonists on the comunist side are which are involved at this stage are Belarus,Russia , China and North Korea. Makiing matters worse   are the so-called neutral states such as Iran with all its sibling hate filled ideas hoping to profit by weakening the capitalist world. Worse is that hold life very cheaply not minding how many of their citizens get killed upholding their religous ideas. The West of course allows freedom of beliefs and peoples as long as this does mean chucking rockets at innocent countries!

South Africa which is supposed to be  neutral has struggeled to sell its precious supplies of platinum group metats and chrome of late which forced prices down However better times would be ahead if we keep that neutrallity as above ground surplasses have been used up .As we and Russia are th main suppliers.

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