Latest Updates on Stocks and Shares,worldwide as well as in South Africa.Explanations of BREAKING events are likely to effect the share markets long and short term.To help You stratergise your approach to trading.Market Data Analysed,News Quotes,Key market Stastistics used for Analysis
End of an Era
How Does one acquire Knowledge? With academic material and with life experiences that come with age With academic material there is a stea...
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- Stock Trading Trends
- Retired but always looking for new challenges.
Monday, July 18, 2022
Russia ban seen tightening coal market that’s already surging
Friday, July 8, 2022
'The losses are enormous': Mpumalanga shutdown hits coal, chrome exporters
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Eskom confirms strong flow of grid-connection applications for Bid Window 6 of renewables programme
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Negatives and Positives
Our winter period is always a slow time for stocks in the Southern Hemesphere!
This time the market has retreated more than usual ,burdened by the war in Ukraine,uncertainty as to when it will end and the knock on effect of rising prices as sanctions against Russia have caused energy producing products to increase.
China also has increased its preperations to invade Taiwan and seems to be using older methods to counteract their latest covid outbreak.
Inflation is increasing worldwide as populations are finding it difficult to find work leading to unrest.
On the positive side our minerals and metals which have fallen in price quite sharply will be first to pick up as there will always be a demand for them and oversupply stocks have run down.
We are supposedly neutral in this conflict,but it would good for our rulers to remembeer that the West are our main buyers!
Friday, June 17, 2022
Green hydrogen’s business case significantly strengthened, summit hears
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Venture capital funded greenfield exploration is world’s riskiest pursuit, Junior Indaba hears
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Bushveld’s VRFB value chain to benefit the economies of several provinces
Friday, May 20, 2022
Platinum jewellery continuing to drive 25% of platinum demand
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
South Africa would do well to highlight its key iridium status to world that needs this very rare metal
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Wimbledon opts for platinum to mark Queen’s jubilee, centre court centenary
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Hydrogen economy ‘incredibly exciting opportunity’, says Minerals Council’s Baxter
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
See the post updates below and all the other updates in the right hand column .
Also look at previous post updates and also labels in right hand column
POST METALS AND MINERALS (right hand column) also pages 1 and 2 updated 11/4/2022
also pages 3 and 4 16/4/2022
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Mantashe rallies coal producers to save industry despite growing climate change concerns
Monday, January 3, 2022
Better Prospects likely in 2022
Friday, December 3, 2021
Year end events
2021 has been a very trying year all round ! its not quite finished yet! How ever
now is the time to ask ,what of the future?
Business wise the effects of covid sent the market into a downward spiral,the
followed by an almost rapid recovery. Polititians of course world wide did not get it
right and only seemed interested in saving their own skins!
Lookiing forward it seems as if a recovery might be more permanent. China has
been flexing its muscles of late, seen the weakness of
the United States led by a
geriatric leader who is really out tof touch with reality
and is a threat to Taiwan
also to ,Hong Kong and is treating their minorities badly with rumours of
ethnic cleansing.Also claims to the mineral rich South China Sea ,ignoring other
nations long term standings.As well as its borders with India.
At the same time Russia seems determned to reclaim its borders and even enlarge
its size and if China enters a war might see an opportunistic opportunity to do just
China is likely to hold back till after the winter Olympics ,before making sudden moves.
See the latest updates inthe right hand column
Radar see side column
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Seriously Trending --Fuel cells !
BOB OLIVER a Canadian expert on climate control said "There is no pathway to
zero carbon inthe atmosphere that does not include fuel cells !"
He also mentioned at a climate conference that there 40,000 forklifts in North America and 10,000 heavy transport vehicles that already run on the fuel cell technology!
By the way he personally drives a HYUNDAI NEXO CAR that runs on fuel cells. The Canadian and US governments have helped set up filling stations through out their respective countries by way of subsidies etc. As the Southern African region is the main producer of the platinum group metals ,we should o the same. This is where ordinary citizens could get involved. Ask your local parliament representive what they are going to do about helping garages to supply fuel cell pumps!
GREEN HYDROGEN is generated with the help of platium and iridium.
UNLIKE BATTERIES hydrogen fuel cells never run out!
Friday, October 1, 2021
Trending Energy Polluting updates
Energy Polluting update and what should be done about it.
Then huge windmills also are scattered all over the country side spoiling the veiw in beautiful areas.
Intesresting to note that only about 4 % of the energy needed is at present to produce these awful tools come from windmill and solar power sources at present! Just think what a mess it would be to power up to the amount needed to actually produce all power needed by our over populated world.
The first option that is good is of course nuclear fuel,which also comes with its own dangers.These can be mitigated by limiting the amount and good placing. Not thought of yet is placing these underwater in the sea at stable sites.
Coal has done its thing by improving methods that are cleaner and require less water for cooling.
A non polluting wonderful invention is of course fuel cells for large stationary power stations which are feasible and several have already been built. Fuel cells can also be used for vehicles . Veiw many of my previous posts.
Hydro power has been used for many years so far. Not thought of yet is placing some down river beneath an existing scheme where its not intrusive.
France has generators that use the tides at strategic locations.
Talked about but not yet used is of course using the natural rivers in the oceans,such as the gulf stream.
Finally a no,no is lithium batteries which generally use spodium a rare earth mineral. Production of lithium batteries uses a great deal of electricity produced by conventional means.
Friday, September 3, 2021
Settling Down
South Africa having still elements of a first world economy,has returned to normal after the recent turbulent months. The economy marches on and by and large with little racial tension which seems to produce so many problems for the rest of the world.
Of course we have the resources to thank for this situation as they produce most of the taxes ,for our rather inept government to waste on social schemes that will see them re-elected rather than stimulating the economy to produce stable jobs that will grow the non mining sectors .
We produce most of the platium group metals in the world . Other metals and minerals are in good supply such as coal,gold,chrome,diamonds,iron ore and many rare minerals as well.
As minerals and metals are now coming into their own as uses increase and special ones needed for clean air etc we are on a good recovery path.
At the moment major mining groups have paid exceptsionaly good pay outs ,which then usually drops the capital price of those shares by that amount. No need to rush in to buying, but good to nibble at extra lower prices. We feel in our opinion that the future is very bright.
At the moment Palladiun and Rhodium are at very high prices,but as Palladium is connected to petrol and diesel the future uses for these minerals might be limited. On the other hand for Platinum and Lithium the sky is likely to be the limit, as clean air is the now thing gowing forward!
Monday, August 2, 2021
The future remains tricky ,in ourSouth African sense.
The riots were part political and part because of poor economic prospects. Luckily the political part was led by only one main tribe,mostly the Zulus to reverse the outcome not to their liking of their former state president showing contempt of court and being jailed after FAILING TO ANSWER SUMMONESSES TO APPEAR IN COURT.
This lit the fuse on a nation already finding difficuly in the work situation ,made worse many times buy Covid lockdowns, calling on their tribe and the rest of South African tribes to loot shops ,blow up electrical pylons an disrupt commerce on main roads etc. the police in Natal 80% ZULUS just stood by and did nohing.Almost the same when the army was called in.
How ever when the more educated middle class saw that stores burnt down left them with out work ,all stood together with Europeans ,Indians and Africans to guard their homes,work places and added to that private securiity companies stopped the bad actions to a large extent as home guards etc were formed which could have led to full scale civil war.
Thank God,what finally led to a victory of law and order was the vast TAXIS ASSOCIATIONS COUNTRY WIDE THAT CAME UP ARMED AS THEY REALISED THAT THEY WOULD LOOSE THEIR LUCRATIVE INCOME OF TRAVELLERS TO AND FROM WORK.They organised private armies which they mostly paid for. They also gave the police and military thorough talking to to bring them into the action ,pointing out they would loose their jobs if anarchy was going to rule.
The final answer is of course to educate more people and have schemes to uplift the middle class to be more productive. The government is now starting to work in this direction,hopefully an on going process in future.