War II

  Some thing nobody expected is that the world would land in virtual war with no end in sight. How this mess will untangle no one knows!  We...

About Me

Retired but always looking for new challenges.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Overcoming problems !

South Africa has been down graded to below investment grade namely BB+ by both Fitch and Standard , Moodys has not yet decided to follow and is waiting to see if democratic principles will prevail.
The ruling party is losing considerable ground after 23 years in power, becoming more corrupt, with officials looking to line their own pockets with wealth at the expense of the electorate the so called  "Gravy Train !" . 
They have had a wake up call as they loose ground in bye- elections to the more populist and slogan bound left wing.
Our electorate is mostly poorly educated . So now the ruling ANC are starting to use slogans and revert to more socialist and unfortunately racialist ideas blaming the Whites (All Europeans) for their shortcomings. 
All sides gave ground with the beautiful idea of a rainbow nation under De Klerk and Nelson Mandela ,who won the Noble peace prize for their joint efforts. This is now been eroded and forgotten.
The sacking of the world renowned minister of finance Gordhan and replaced by  the new minister with an already shady record. Named  Gibata,  finally triggered   the rating agencies decision.
Gibata has an university professor adviser  with ideas that might seem moronic! This adviser wishes to strip all whites of positions in banks,insurance companies and white farmers of their land with out compensation.
Our president is encouraging the use of the slogan  RADICAL CHANGE, with out spelling out what this means!


4. Spring derivative top 40 list updated

Saturday, April 1, 2017


In all this political turmoil happening around us at the moment,we feel it is imperative to look at the basics of what is now needed in the world, in as far as metals and minerals are concerned.
Suddenly platinum group metals are not quite the in thing anymore. Too many mines wanted to get in on the act as prices soared and of  course there was massive  over production.As stockpiles come down its easy to turn the spigots open again and over produce.
Rare earth type metals which is now needed in all manner of things is LITHIUM. There is not enough of this resource to go around and the hunt is on to find more. As electric cars become the in thing there is likely to be a shortage for the next couple of decades.
The main producers at the moment are United 
States,Bolivia and Chile. Australia has now been added to these states as new deposits have been found in great quantity as well as Namibia. There are SPODUMENE deposits right here in 
South Africa but with hostile political uncertainty they remain undeveloped.
It would seem ,we South Africans have only one chance in getting in on this bonanza at the moment and that is by investing in TAWANA SHARES. We usually avoid small caps especially ones that are only 5 cents a share which was the price a year ago. It was an exploration company,but has shot up to about R4.00 by end March 2017. How ever its prices are likely to be very volatile till the the end of the year when the first income can be expected. 
1.Use the labels to group posts on the same subjects together beneath articles and in the side-bar.
2. The newest PAGES are always published at the top of the index in the right side-bar. 1.MY SPECIALITY LIST NOW UPDATED 2.PRELIMARY SPRING LIST
3. Sister websites published  click on Stock trading trends in the side-bar , in April updates are:- Abacus .
4.Southern African and Mining News main post and pages have been updated.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


1.An exciting time lies ahead for both the world and Southern Africa with rare earth type minerals and metals taking centre stage !
Lithium and Colbalt are now been needed in ever greater quantities for electric vehicles and as far as cobalt goes there will be a shortage for the forsee-able  future. 
 2.The cobalt metal is suddenly needed in a myriad of new ways such as electric vehicles,computers,software and even tyres.  The price has almost doubled in the last couple year and mines are scrambling to find new sources.
 3.There is a great opportunity for especially 
South Africa as the cobalt metal occurs in the same strata as gold and platinum ores.At the moment its blasted away to get at the PGM's and gold. Only a small change is needed in blasting techniques to recover the cobalt. This knowledge was passed on to the mining houses last year,but they preferred to sit on their hands. Only a few small enterprising companies are looking at this method!  At the moment the cobalt is allowed to decay and it becomes a contaminent, leaching into rivers and drinking water. Worked out gold mines could also get anew lease of life.
4. THERE are very few pure cobalt and copper mines in the world. GLENCORE has pounced on the largest one in the Democratic Rebublic of the Congo and is now in a position to make many billions of US Dollars.
  Click on the newest page updates , always on the index above. 
Please also inform other forumites of these contents as at this time i am not able to post on the comments blog. Thank you.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

The New Year

1.The first post of this year is published on  the  new post ABACUS ACTIVE STOCK ALERTS.

Then click on : STOCK TRADING TRENDS then on the blog: ABACUS ACTIVE STOCK ALERTS   at the top of the  left side-bar

2. Barrys and Naomis Small Cap lists
 final updates are in place .Reach it via Stock Trading Trends in the side-bar. After a some what ropey start the small cap list did exceptionally well! 
 3. The final updates FOR 2016 on SOUTHERN AFRICAN MINING AND RESOURCES NEWS HAS BEEN PUBLISHED4 Remember the newest updates are always mentioned at the top of the index above above the home button.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The year that was !

This has been a year  in which there have been more financial  and political shocks worldwide than normal.Growing  populations have become more restive and even rebellious as the recession lingered on. At year end America is well on the way to recovery and the first sprigs of recovery are seen in Europe and Asia. As always Africa is lagging. 
How ever a pleasing change has been seen on the African Continent as populations strive for more accountability and less graft  top of government officials. This is playing itself out especially here in  South Africa as we strive to avoid  downgrades in our borrowing to junk status. As many other major countries have failed this test of morality we have for a second time avoided this fate.
It must be remembered that we produce 80% of the world platinum group metals and also a full range of base metals and minerals.
How ever at the present price of platinum, around $900 per ounce it is being produced at a loss. There is already a shortage of 20% in  ounces, per annum, built up and as fuel cells and other catalytic converters are needed for cleaner air become the vogue. In the last ten years the price has suddenly spurted by a couple of hundred USA dollars per ounce! this exciting event can happen again. Do remember it takes five years to ramp up and open mothballed areas in existing mines and a great deal longer in new developments!
I wish all our readers,Google and our advertisers all the best for 2017.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


  All systems are go to arrest the present decline in mining activity, and overcome the obstacles out there. The easy mining ore bodies are fast becoming the thing of the past.
 Public and private companies, with workers are beginning to work together to preserve jobs, income and tax revenue.
  Modernising and research into methods of refining especially in South Africa which has always been a world leader in this regard as during the last hundred years we were the world leaders in production of platinum group metals ,gold and diamonds. An added source of income is the production of equipment to further these activities now been developed.
  These activities will lead to sustainability of the mining environment over the next half century.
  Of great importance now is safety of workers at extreme depths in tunnels and difficult mining circumstances.
  Remote control of machines will keep workers out of harms way for the most part in dangerous areas. Narrower machines are already working and more innovative ones are being built.
Backfill of pulverised rock now has many advantages as it stabilises the ground in worked out areas avoids unsightly heaps of  ground and in generally more environmentally friendly.
The greatest advances are continually been made in refining of complicated metals such as precious metals as well as more basic metals in seperation by using enzymes instead of the old methods such as sieves to seperate the various elements from the waste rocks. This also results in greater recoveries and more profits.
IT MIGHT BE A GOOD IDEA TO ALSO READ PART 1  PUBLISHED IN SEPTEMBER ALSO THE STRIPPING OF RESOURCE ASSETS mentioned in the posts in the side-bar to get a continuity picture of the whole subject in South Africa.

For the latest on Stocks go to... Abacus Top stock tips.... and bookmark the post.

Thursday, September 1, 2016


   First of all lets take stock of the present position ! The world is in such a deep recession that although newly mined material in many circumstances does not nearly cover  the present use of these minerals and metals and in other instances just about does.
   Where then is the supply coming from ,one may ask? Obviously from stock piles built up in the past years.
  Prices are very low and in some instances continue to fall. Production is falling even faster and in some cases there are delays in being able to have a continuity of supplyIn the past alarm bells would have been ringing and money that is needed to ramp up production would be forthcoming for the obvious boom to follow!
   Not this time as governments have messed up their economies with quantitative easing etc. spending and printing money they have no backing for and it seems keeping the recession/depression going ad-infinitum!
   The good news is that we need these mined products to keep and expand our lifestyle as populations in developing economies keep growing and in first world countries grow older.
    Eventually demand will return and then there will be explosive activity  to try to supply these products in the shortest time.
    To make ends meet mines are sticking to old methods at the moment and  to ramp up sustainable production would take at least five years. Billions of US$ would required to start new workings would take at least a ramp up period of ten years to reach full production in most ventures, but first investors must be sure that there must be a sustainable need for that particular metal or mineral!