War II

  Some thing nobody expected is that the world would land in virtual war with no end in sight. How this mess will untangle no one knows!  We...

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Retired but always looking for new challenges.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

BVN Under-- THE-- Radar: South Africa's Recovery

BVN Under-- THE-- Radar: South Africa's Recovery: There seems a genuine air to make 2019 the year of recovery in our country.  There have been many commissions of enquirery and at last gove...

Friday, February 1, 2019

The New Hydrogen AGE, REVOLUTION !

HYDROGEN which can easily be extracted from water is likely to drive the  new clean air revolution.
This is the preferred fuel that works with Platinum catalityic fuel cells. Its half the price of pretroleum fuels and has the advantage of being 100 % free of pollution.
Of course there's talk of using boron etc .to cut out rare earth ,such as platinum altogether ,but these experiments are still unproven.
When platinum is used for catalysts the power produced is strong enough to drive the largest stationary engines or so little can be used for small engines.
Toyota and other car,bus and heavy duty manufacturers have all chosen platinum to drive their future plans.
Germany is also tooling up now. Their leading manufacturer Mercedes Benz is also getting in on the act.
South Africa is the leading country regarding supply of platinum in the world .Impala platinum mine is now gearing up to supply their own electricity.
There is genuine scope for down-line applications helping create work locally. Do read all the other posts that I have written on platinum group metals over the years. Click on labels below or in the side-bar.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


1.During the previous year the general investment climate in Southern Africa never really lived up to  expectations.
Stocks of course had over shot the true recovery from the 2008 recession. Further, very bad political decisions such as the land grab debate to curry favor  with the  uneducated part of the electorate had bad repercussions for our country as overseas investors sold off our stocks . Moving to the more safe countries of the world.
See the side bar as some stocks held up  and mid-capital stocks did rather well when based on sound principles .
As our government is now looking for overseas funds to prop up their program of aims they have to get a lid on corruption and general government wastage. It unlikely that they will do the absolute take overs as Europe and America put pressure on them to behave in a civilised manner!
One danger is that they are turning to China for more of their monetary needs,how  ever China itself being under threat of  trade wars is cutting back on more reckless lending.
2. Platinum group metals are now coming into their own. There is always at least a couple , out performing. At the moment Rhodium and Palladium are trending. Do look at our Mining website where reasons are discussed from time to time. 
See the top of right hand side-bar,for the latest updates .

Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Brexit Fuss !

5/SEPT. 2019
Politicians noses out of joint,because voters democratically chose to leave the European Union in a referendum, of course by the simplest vote and majority. If stay in the Union had won as they wanted they would have felt vindicated, as the vast majority of politicians wanted to stay ! 
  Crazy to have put a political stayer in the position to negotiate the withdrawel and civil servants adding to the doom and gloom by extrapolating what happen years later if a compromise is not taken. The civil servants views reminds me of market tipsters how ever well informed trying to predict the future peformance of a stock.More often than not they get it wrong over every period from short to long time periods.
  The stupidest wailing politicians are those wanting a perfect trade deal now without knowing what will be up for trade in the future. Even when within the Union a new trade deal is worked out it takes from months to years to get all the crinkels out.
   The British are not mostly coddled children that  must be protected from all events by self seeking politicians.Of course they are quite eccentric peoples, but tough and hard working and not  only overcome any challenge but will look forward of making a success of any situation.This is the only country in the world as far as I know that does not have a written constitution ,but an
outstanding working democracy.
   GATT(The general agreement of tariffs and trade) which will protect them if they leave with out an agreement is a good starting point to a bright future, they should then not seek to re-enter the European Union as they will then not be able to plot their independent way forward.The EU just loves encroaching on the British assets such as oil in the North Sea and fishing rights.
  Honestly I must add that the E Union has become top heavy and not my view only but many world wide has passed its "Sell by date   !" .MID- European states would do themselves a favour by forming their own union as they become increasingly dominated by the powerful Western European states. 

Page updates now in place See right hand side-bar. Latest updates,placed, at the top of page list
See published now my two pages on My Specialist watch list

Thursday, November 1, 2018


All page updates for month now in place,check right  hand side-bar.

 The country that eminently qualifies is Australia,with its democratically elected government that has been so since it became independent from the UK years ago. The population understand that the best way to change the government is always through the ballot box!
 As with all countries that surround it there is always an attempt at graft and criminal activity,but it is strictly dealt with and they have a fair judicial  system that they can be justly proud of.
 These hard working people have   great monetary policy and systems in place and a well regulated stock exchange in placeand good industrial growth. This country is endowned with plentiful resources in the ground and unlike our South Africa,encouraging legislation to start up miners to unlock this wealth for the benefit of all,with no threat of big-brother trying to grease their palms with ill gotten gains.
 I am sure they will resist taking loans from foreign countries in the East ,with terms that seem too good to be true,only as we Africans have found out are! When the handful of countries could not pay their best industries and mines were taken over with tens of thousands of their citizens dumped on us. Although promised no work for the locals ,i am afraid.They even brought their own furniture,hard to believe i'm sure.Of course they ignore rules that don't suit their nationals.
 Australia has a difficult climate in large parts of its country ,but manages this situation well.
 They are a great sporting nation and true to their allies.


Monday, October 1, 2018


    In the Americas 
Obviously the United States has secured its position, thanks mainly to its legal inhabitants exercising their rights thru the democratic process to invigorate its laws and rid themselves of older ways of doing things. This is now called the populist movement which might have started here,but is now sweeping the world. 
Politicians had been up to the 2016 election of making promises,then not keeping them ,thinking that they knew best which laws should be changed, also thinking globalisation was the best policy,always looking after their rich class of course. Many of their potential workers could not find work or had lost their jobs in this process. They chose a non politician to lead them in President Donald Trump who might not know the finer points of etiquette but tries to keep all his promises.
We see this as a world-wide  movement  which will sweep away older cob-webs  in law ,in fact all that have passed their "sell by dates !" and these countries will eventually form a loose alliance  of non interference in each others internal affairs.
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Saturday, September 1, 2018

BVian's ACTIVE Stock and Share Trading Ideas: Thankful Response !

BVian's ACTIVE Stock and Share Trading Ideas: Thankful Response !:   Thanks to the British and the United  States for paying attention to the land question in South Africa,as the land grab with out compensat...