War leads to many miscalculations and of course mistakes. Some dreadful deeds are also done and are likely never to be punished . Especial...

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Retired but always looking for new challenges.

Monday, October 3, 2022

On a knife edge !

 The market is on a knife edge! Usually when there has been a drop of 30% to 40 % there is a consolidation  then a slow rise of stock prices and then as further gain at a faster pace going well above the price at which the market started declining. Especially after a sharp sell-off of the whole market as now occured, with the war in Ukraine and world powers moves to lower the pain for their citizens financially.

The elephant in the room is of course Russia with threats to use mini nuclear bombs to again gain the upper hand as they are losing the war at the moment. A dreadful thought at the moment of course as this is a red line which would up the ante as they would not be allowed to get away with it!

All southern hemesphere countries are rich  in mineral resoures and their products will always be in demand as what ever happens the world  needs most of them so they are a better bet than manufactured products a this stage. In our opinion only this seems as a good time to start nibbling at the stratregic mines .

.All the latest updates are in the right hand column.